Jose Luis Caivano resources below
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1990 - Semiotica - Visual texture as a semiotic system
1991 - Color Research and Application - Cesia: A System of Visual Signs Complementing Color
1993 - Semiotica - Semiotics and reality
1993 - Semiotics - Symbolicity in elementary visual signs
1994 - Color Research and Application - Colour and Sound : Physical and Psychophysical Relations
1994 - Lanuages of Design - Towards and order system for visual texture
1996 - Die Farbe - Cesia: Its Relation to Color in Terms of the Trichromatic Theory
1996 - Semiotica - Spatial semiosis in architecture: Descriptive and generative analysis
1997 - The Representation of the Visual World in Photography
1998 - Color Research and Application - Color and Semiotics: A Two-way Street
2003 - Color Communication and Management AIC - Bibliographical database on color
2003 - Color Communication and Management AIC - The rhetoric of black, white and red
2004 - AIC 2004 Color and Paints
2004 - Color: Arte, Diseño, Tecnología Y Enseñanza
2004 - Perception, Psychology, Psychophysics, Vision
2007 - Chromatic Identity in Global and Local Markets: Analysis of Colours in Branding
2007 - Local color or global village?
2008 - Chromatic Synesthesias: Effects of Color on the Perception of Different Sensorial Continua
2008 - The Representation of the Visual World in Photography
2009 - Chromatic Argumentation in visual statements: How color rhetoric is used to persuade
2010 - Color and Food - From the Farm to the Table
2010 - How Colour Rhetoric is Used to Persuade: Chromatic Argumentation in Visual Statements
2010 - Linguistic and cognitive categorization in the domain of color
2011 - Interaction of Colour & Light in the Arts and Sciences
2012 - Interaction of color and taste: Color synesthesia in the food environment
2012 - A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Colour Emotion for Two-Colour Combinations
2012 - Color in Food - Technological and Psychophysical Aspects
2014 - Color and Cesia as Signs: Indexical Use of Color and Cesia in Culture and Nature
2015 - Cognition and semiotic processing of luminous stimuli in various orders of the natural world